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PS 101 – Chapter 9 – Article 3.2 – Service of the Summons

This presentation continues your learning about the summons. You will learn:

  • P-17 service where mail is received
  • Where P-17 is invalid
  • P-17 diligence requirements
  • P-17 mailing requirements
  • Alternative service by publication, mailing, and the non-resident motorist act
  • Service on minors
  • Service on person with a guardian
  • Service to establish a guardianship

NOTE: In 2015 the legislature inserted a new paragraph into RCW 4.28.080 which had the effect of changing the numbering of all the paragraphs coming after the new one. Thus the topic of this session is now referred to as P-17 instead of P-16.

NOTE: You may notice some variation in the voice and voice quality within the presentation. This is due to updates of particular slides in an effort to keep current with changing laws, court rules, and case decisions. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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