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PS 101 – Chapter 5 – Article 13 – On a Foreign or Alien Steamship Company or Charterer

RCW 4.28.080(13)
If against a foreign or alien steamship company or steamship charterer, to any agent authorized by such company or charterer to solicit cargo or passengers for transportation to or from ports in the state of Washington.

Once again we see the words “foreign” and “alien.” As used elsewhere, “foreign” means a steamship company or steamship charterer created under the laws of another state and “alien” means one created under the laws of another country. Therefore, this does not apply to a steamship company or steamship charter created under the laws of the state of Washington. Service on such domestic companies would be determined by 4.28.080(9) as described else where in this course.

Service on these entities can only be obtained by presentation of the documents to any agent authorized by such company or charter to solicit cargo or passengers for transportation to or from ports in the state of Washington. This is somewhat reminiscent of the rule regarding service on a railroad or an insurance company.

However, making the determination of precisely who such an agent is may present certain difficulties beyond the ability of most process servers to resolve. A professional process server will work closely with his or her client in situations of this type and will look to the client for direction. As often stated in this course, such direction should be obtained in writing.

Service Instructions Summary

Present the documents to:

Who When & Where
1. An agent who can solicit cargo or passengers on behalf of the company Anytime Anywhere

NOTE: Extreme caution should be used if someone, not fitting these descriptions, says they have been “authorized” to accept service.

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