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PS 102 – A Course Outline

Although it is vital for professional process servers to know statutory law and court rules, it is equally vital to know how the courts have interpreted the law and rules as they are applied in the real world.

As is mentioned elsewhere, service is highly fact specific. Given one set of facts and the court will rule a service valid. Given a slightly different set of facts and the service will be set aside. The liability implications for process servers are huge.

Over time change occurs. Despite the importance of precedent (where courts pay particular attention to how courts have ruled in the past), it is not unknown for courts to reverse themselves. This may happen as changes occur in society or in the make up of the court itself such as with the election of more conservative justices as opposed to the election of more liberal justices.

What ever the reason, and there are many, the courts will look at things differently as time passes. Professional process servers are aware of this and actively keep themselves current as to the most recent court decisions.

Therefore it is imperative that process servers are familiar with case law and remain familiar with it on an ongoing basis.

NOTE: Answers to some of the quiz questions in this course assume the student is knowledgeable of the materials presented in PS 101.

NOTE: Case law is an evolving, dynamic area of law. New cases are added to this course on a irregular basis. Students should check this area often and look for new additions.